The Language of the Reef: Understanding Marine Life Behavior
As a scuba diver, you encounter a vast diversity of interesting marine life. Their behavior can sometimes be obvious, like when a fish is feeding on algae. However, some behaviors can appear quite curious. What do these behaviors mean? In this article, you’ll discover some of the most fascinating marine life behaviors on the reefs of Bonaire.
Eagle Rays
Ever spot an eagle ray digging around in the sand and wonder what they’re up to? They’re actually hunting for snacks! Eagle rays are bottom feeders, gliding over the ocean floor in search of mollusks, crustaceans, and small fish. When they find something, they use their snouts to dig into the sand, then crush the hard shells with their super-strong jaws.
If you’ve ever been lucky enough to spot a frogfish, you might’ve noticed them “yawning” with their big mouths. Don’t worry, they’re not bored or tired! Frogfish are actually ambush predators, and that wide-open mouth is part of their hunting game. They stay perfectly still for ages, blending in with their surroundings, and then—boom!—when a clueless fish swims too close, they strike. They open their mouths so fast it creates a vacuum that sucks in their prey, even if it’s bigger than they are!
Sergeant Majors
Sergeant major fish are some of the most dedicated parents on the reef! After cleaning a spot on a rock or coral, the male attracts a female with his flashy colors. Once she lays her eggs, the male goes into full defense mode, aggressively guarding the nest and chasing away anything that comes close. He even fans the eggs with his fins to keep them healthy. For a few days, he’s on high alert until the eggs hatch and the larvae swim off.
Of course, there are thousands of other interesting marine life behaviors to observe in the marine park of Bonaire. Are you interested in learning more about fish and the underwater environment? The PADI Underwater Naturalist Specialty course might be the perfect choice for you.